Validate your Social Media Content Before Sharing

When you write content or create other digital products, you will want to share them with people. But before you hit that post button, you should check what the content will look like to your followers. To help you accomplish this, here is a quick reference of all validators we use and know of!

Twitter Card Validator

Debug your twitter card here!

Here is Twitter card markup reference, in case you want to make changes:

Facebook Sharing Debugger and Batch Invalidator

Preview your Facebook content here:

Use this Open Graph reference for making changes:

LinkedIn Post Inspector

Preview your LinkedIn shared content using this debugger:

This post inspector includes an explanation of all required meta tags as well as how to add them if any tags are missing.

Pinterest Rich Pin Validator

Rich pins are special pins that show metadata on the Pin itself, giving Pinners a richer experience and increasing engagement. Regular pins do not include this feature. You can use this debugger to make sure Rich Pins are enabled for your content!

Learn more about rich pins and variations here:


Reddit uses Open Graph meta tags, which are also used by Facebook. If your content looks good using the Facebook debugger, it should also work when shared on Reddit.

Slack Unfurling

In Slack terminology, the preview that is generated when a user shares a link is called an unfurl. A lot of this information is generated based on the Open Graph meta tags. If you want to preview your unfurled links, you can do the following:

  1. Launch slack workspace
  2. Direct message yourself
  3. Share the link you would like to unfurl

Here is a great article for learning more about unfurling and showing some of the more advanced capabilities of what is possible:

Everything you ever wanted to know about unfurling but were afraid to ask /or/ How to make your site previews look amazing in Slack

Also note that unfurling can be turned off.

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